
This blog represents my views, and not those of the Peace Corps, the government of Mali, or anyone else.

One Step At A Time

So we're making progress on the wells!  The progress is as follows:

The dugutigi's bricks have all been made.


Half of the well shaft for the dugutigi's well has been excavated.

The Flanjola well-tigi has gathered some gravelly sand.  Last week Sam and I brought the screen up there, so theoretically they now have all of their sand and gravel clean and separated.  If this is true, their work can begin whenever people get some breathing room between hectic farming activities.

I am, however, worried.  The fact that the rains have come doesn't just mean that everyone has to go out to the fields and plow and plant.  It also means that there's water - in the air, on the ground, and filling up the wells that I'm trying to repair.  So, we probably won't make any more progress once the dugutigi's well has been finished.  I will, however, push forward with wash-areas and soak pits for puddle reduction, since it's mosquito season again.  Yay!

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